So apparently i'm a jack ass.

Sunday, November 28

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okay i know i promised you a story review and i'll get one up by next week, but the holidays have been crazier than i thought they were going to be. Still I've found some time to read over some of the stories i was going to review. I am a member of always send a review after i finish reading a new chapter, because i know how much i like to get reviews. Well apparently the review i sent upset the writer, which was never my intention. I got this huge review response and I've become a topic on the forum i used to frequent...that's right used to. I didn't mean anything by my review, only to give my honest opinion on the chapter, which as a whole i really loved. My only beef was that Bella had taken Edward back too quickly. Apparently i'm just not mature enough to understand Bella's position. Well that may be, but i'm sorry, if i were in a relationship of ANY kind with someone and they just dropped off the face of the planet i wouldn't just take them back into my life with open arms. Would you? I would make them sweat it for a little while. If that makes me an immature vindictive ass then so be it

I just don't understand the response to my review. I mean it's one thing to give me the long angry review response privately, but to post said review response along with more information on how wrong i was on the forum takes mean to another level. What's really the point other than to humiliate me and make me feel like a huge jack ass for giving my opinion? I don't care how many readers you have, or how many reviews you get per chapter, it does not give you the right belittle ANYONE.

Now I need a hug... :-( so much for my happy mellow holiday.


CharliDenae said...

It's a little late, but here is a hug!! HUG!!!! Some authors beg for reviews, but they only want you to tell them how great they are, or how great their story is, it doesn't seem to me that they really want an honest critique..
Oh well, I'm sorry that happened to you. It really sucks that people are so dang mean.

Best wishes to you!

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