a long time

Friday, June 10

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so I always give this speech at the beginning of a post now that says I'll start doing better at posting and then I never do so i'm going to stop making promises because i don't like not being able to keep them. My Real Life has been hectic to say the very least. I don't remember if I mentioned it but I've made some life changing decisions lately. One of which being that I'm going to Culinary School. I'm unsure as to what my schedule is going to be like once I get up there because I'm going to have to go to school and work, so that I can buy things like food (because for some odd reason we all must eat eventually). I'm still writing and I'm trying to balance my life out but sometimes it doesn't always work out like I want it to. I'm changing the blog up a little to make it more appealing looking and everything. Thanks for hanging in there with me guys. A new post to come soonish hopefully.


Dés said...

Hi there!
Can you please tell me where I can find your story "Mr. Bennett takes a wife"? I'd love to finish reading it. THANKS,

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