Good morning, afternoon or evening...where ever it is in the cosmos that you are. It has been FOREVER since I posted here hasn't it and for that I feel ashamed. But there is good news. I'm here now! That should count for something, right? I hope so...Anyway I've got a crap ton to catch this blog up on I don't even know where to begin.
First I'm going to be doing some hard core reorganizing of this blog eventually, so just be aware that you might get alerts about new posts but they are just posts you've probably already seen.
At the time of my last post I told you that I was going to try and get a review blog up and running and well it's up and running. It just took a heck of a lot more time and work than I had anticipated to get it that way. I hope by now some of you have ventured over to check it out. if not please do our address is and we do all sorts of things there including a contest so if you're a writer of the fanfiction variety, you should look over there.

I started posting on Twilighted, TwiWrite, MyVampFiction, and The Writers Coffee Shop...well pretty much anywhere that I can get my stories out there I'm getting them out there. Since has been a pain in everyone's butt lately. It let me log in this morning so hopefully the problems are fixed but I won't hold my breath.
Our, and by our I mean mcgt's and my, new contest started. It's a spring contest called showers to flowers and the link to all the info is up in the heading bar. See it? Good. Make sure to check it out later too. You still have plenty of time to write. It's a pick a picture contest and so far we only have four entries so please check them out and start writing.

I'm going to try and get better about posting here. Now that I don't have a post on my review blog at all unless I really want to it should be easier for me to focus on my writing. Love You all! Until next time