Past Contests

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Twisted Twilight Tales One Shot Contest
Cinderella, Snow White, Sleeping Beauty...these are all stories that we grew up with and loved. So why not combine the things we love from our past with something we love in the present? That is exactly what is happening in the Twisted Twilight Tales One Shot Contest.


1st - Edward & the Dragon by:SophiaAnne

2nd- Cufflinks by: lizzylillyrose
         You Put What, Where? By:Nachos4Children

3rd- A Stolen Heart By: earthprincess4

Judges Round

Happily Ever After Award (Judges favorite) - Edward and the Dragon by: SophiaAnne
Vampire in a Volvo Award (Best Prince Charming) - Edward and the Dragon by: SophiaAnne
Don't leave us hanging Award (Favorite cliffhanger) Cufflinks by: lizzylillyrose
Thinking outside the Box Award (Best Non-Canon) - You Put What, Where? By: Nachos4Children
Leading Lady Award A Stolen Heart by: earthprincess4
Hot and Sour (best Lemon) - It's Complicated by: Joss859
Modern Grimm (Best use of Fairytale) Animalistic Tendencies by: thaigher lillie
Twirling Mustache Award (Best Villian) - The Princess, The Apple and the Sacred Tree by: Punkfarie
Golden Tissue Award - Ashes and Wine by: Silent-Heart22