Amazing reading!

Friday, June 25

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Okay readers of the world i know that each and everyone of you has at some point picked up a book that you haven't been able to put down...I know i have. I recently found a online story that did the same thing to me. I was surfing on facebook and one of my friends had this story linked on her page so i decided to check it out and omg i was like addicted. the first five or six chapters read really fast because they were a little messed up, but after a while i really started getting into it. It's beautifully written and i love it! Okay you're wondering what story it is? Well it's called Under the Apple Tree. It's posted on FF and i'll get a link up here soon. I was seriously up till nearly four this morning reading this story. I couldn't stop and when i reached the end i was looking for the next button that wasn't there! That can tell you how good it is. I really have to rush this post so i'll post more about it later, but i just wanted to get it out there. More on this story will follow.


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