So apparently i'm a jack ass.

Sunday, November 28

okay i know i promised you a story review and i'll get one up by next week, but the holidays have been crazier than i thought they were going to be. Still I've found some time to read over some of the stories i was going to review. I am a member of always send a review after i finish reading a new chapter, because i know how much i like to get reviews. Well apparently the review i sent upset the writer, which was never my intention. I got this huge review response and I've become a topic on the forum i used to frequent...that's right used to. I didn't mean anything by my review, only to give my honest opinion on the chapter, which as a whole i really loved. My only beef was that Bella had taken Edward back too quickly. Apparently i'm just not mature enough to understand Bella's position. Well that may be, but i'm sorry, if i were in a relationship of ANY kind with someone and they just dropped off the face of the planet i wouldn't just take them back into my life with open arms. Would you? I would make them sweat it for a little while. If that makes me an immature vindictive ass then so be it

I just don't understand the response to my review. I mean it's one thing to give me the long angry review response privately, but to post said review response along with more information on how wrong i was on the forum takes mean to another level. What's really the point other than to humiliate me and make me feel like a huge jack ass for giving my opinion? I don't care how many readers you have, or how many reviews you get per chapter, it does not give you the right belittle ANYONE.

Now I need a hug... :-( so much for my happy mellow holiday.

Coming Soon

Tuesday, November 23

Okay so everyone knows that the holidays are coming up right? And if you live in the USA like i do we have two, one this week. So that leaves me with some time on my hands which is good because i'm feeling incredibly behind on EVERYTHING. The submission date is fast approaching for our contest and i have no idea how many if any entries we're going to receive. I feel like I've done as much pimping out as i possibly can, but i still don't feel like it's enough. On top of all that my stories kind of fell by the wayside while i was focusing on getting the contest running and I'm afraid my readers are going to want to come after me with torches and pitchforks if I put them off for much longer. So this is what I'm going to do. I already have one chapter of one story written and I'm going to try to post it either later today or tomorrow. Friday I am going to knuckle down and write the last chapter of my other story, and work on the one i have coming up for the holidays. On top of that I am going to start something new here on the blog. Every week I will review a story that I've been obsessing over, or at least absolutely love. I'm not sure i can get it up by tomorrow, because i have a thanksgiving dinner to prepare so all except the first will be on Wednesday and will be called "Hump-day word reviews". I'm super excited to see how this turns out.

Holy Crap!

Friday, November 12

Wow...okay so *waves to new follower* yes we are small but mighty right? Thank you for following me and joining me on this crazy journey I'm sure to take us all on.

So to the name sake of this post. Right now my life is a whole bunch of crazy. I'm writing four stories at the same time. Three full length and one O/S, don't ask me why i thought that was a good idea...I wasn't going to do the O/S but it's for a good cause. I'm writing it for Fans Against Domestic Violence, which is a really good thing so i figured i could carve some time out of my day. I'm about half way through it and it's due by the end of the month...sigh...

I'm trying to also get involved in Lady Tazz's new blog Fandom Spotlight, which is a blog that focuses on the positive things in the fandom, which i don't think is done enough. On top of all that lets add the contest that i'm working on. I looked at the stats for the contest page and holy crap we've breached the 200 mark. How insane is that? I never in 100 years thought there'd be this sort of response. Now the closer we're getting to the deadline the more i'm feeling overwhelmed. After all there are only two of us hosting the contest, and we have to wade through all of the entries are we possibly going to do that? Then again just because that many people viewed the page, doesn't mean we'll get that many entries, right?

In other news. I've been a writing machine lately. I'm hoping to get the next chapter of Leave it all on the Floor up by this afternoon. If i don't get it posted then I at least want to get a teaser up. I'm working on the last chapter of Love in Music but it's slow going. I'm really finding the wedding hard to write, so i might have to scrap what i have and try something different. Well until next time then...

It's come to my attention

Monday, November 8

Okay so it's come to my attention that i have offended a number of people with some of the wording in the contest rules. Let me start by saying a heartfelt I'm sorry. It was never my intention to offend anyone. When i received the e-mail i was slightly shocked that something had been said to anger someone so much. I have subsequently fixed the problem, but i can't shake that shitty feeling that i have right now. It sucks. I feel the need to purge so here it is.

This had to deal with the slash stipulation of the contest. Okay let me just say this now! I MEANT NO DISRESPECT! At all. I know it sounds sort of trite to say now, but one of my best friends in the entire world is gay! I'm in no position myself to judge anyone about anything. All that beings said i feel the need to explain why the stipulation is there to begin with.

The no slash is just basically because I, as a reader, personally don't like to read slash fanfiction. And as one of the two judges for this contest i must read every entry that comes in. I can't say much else to defend it except to say that it's a preference, and i know i'm not alone out there. I'm sorry that's just how it is. When you write something like that you take that risk.

Other than that I'm very happy to see that i'm no longer talking to only myself! *waves to new follower* yes it's singular...but i still welcome you whole heartedly.