It's come to my attention

Monday, November 8

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Okay so it's come to my attention that i have offended a number of people with some of the wording in the contest rules. Let me start by saying a heartfelt I'm sorry. It was never my intention to offend anyone. When i received the e-mail i was slightly shocked that something had been said to anger someone so much. I have subsequently fixed the problem, but i can't shake that shitty feeling that i have right now. It sucks. I feel the need to purge so here it is.

This had to deal with the slash stipulation of the contest. Okay let me just say this now! I MEANT NO DISRESPECT! At all. I know it sounds sort of trite to say now, but one of my best friends in the entire world is gay! I'm in no position myself to judge anyone about anything. All that beings said i feel the need to explain why the stipulation is there to begin with.

The no slash is just basically because I, as a reader, personally don't like to read slash fanfiction. And as one of the two judges for this contest i must read every entry that comes in. I can't say much else to defend it except to say that it's a preference, and i know i'm not alone out there. I'm sorry that's just how it is. When you write something like that you take that risk.

Other than that I'm very happy to see that i'm no longer talking to only myself! *waves to new follower* yes it's singular...but i still welcome you whole heartedly.


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